Northwest Elder Law Blog

1May, 2015

Ride Share For Seniors

May 1st, 2015|Categories: Health & Wellness, Transportation|

One of the most challenging aspects for aging adults is when the time comes to stop driving. Whether it was by choice or was involuntary, it's a hard time for everyone involved. It's a loss of freedom and a difficult reality check. Fortunately, we live in a time full of technology-enabled options for transportation and convenience. There has also been a big shift in focusing on keeping elderly people in their homes as long as possible. There are many companies whose primary objectives are to help elderly stay independent so they don't have to sacrifice their autonomy. Keeping them safe ...


12March, 2015

When Your Loved One Needs A Guardian

March 12th, 2015|Categories: Elder Care, Guardianship|

If the time has come to seek a guardian for your loved one, you're probably already feeling overwhelmed with emotions, from confusion to guilt to sadness. To further complicate matters, you inevitably have many questions and concerns. You haven't done this before, and you don't know where to begin. Here are some of the most common concerns. When is a guardianship necessary? A guardianship is typically a last resort when a vulnerable adult needs assistance managing their affairs and no longer is able to execute or refuses to execute a Durable Power of Attorney, or someone has a Durable ...


9January, 2015

4 Ways You Can Help Aging Veterans

January 9th, 2015|Categories: Elder Care, Planning For Your Loved Ones, Resources, Veterans|

This is the time of year when many of us spend extended amounts of time with relatives we haven't seen in a while. Because of this, it's also a common time to notice that an elderly loved one needs more support than they are currently getting. Elders value their independence, and this can sometimes make them hesitant to ask for the help they need. This can be particularly true for Veterans. Thankfully, there are a number of great programs available to aging Veterans in the Seattle area. Help with mental and emotional health Did you know that 11 percent of ...


10November, 2014

Family Conflict? Consider These Strategies

November 10th, 2014|Categories: Caregivers, Elder Mediation, Family Disputes|

One of the hardest parts of having an aging parent is watching the tables turn. Once, they were responsible for taking care of you and your siblings. Now, it is your turn to take care of them. This shift in responsibility can cause stress in even the closest families. Maybe your parent needs more help caring for themselves, but is reluctant to accept it. Or perhaps one sibling feels like they are shouldering a disproportionate amount of the burden, and others aren't pulling their weight. Regardless of the source of conflict, dealing with it is always better than letting ...


17July, 2014

Aging In Place With “Virtual Villages”

July 17th, 2014|Categories: Elder Care|

Getting older can be an isolating experience. Children grow up, move away and start families of their own. Spouses and friends may get sick or pass away. After a while, many elders start to see their social circles dwindle. What's more, even elders who have loved ones nearby often don't want to rely on their families all the time. This is especially true for people who would prefer to age in place and maintain a sense of independence. Enter the "virtual village." Valuable, but underutilized, these communities allow elders to access shared resources and connect with each other for socialization ...


13May, 2014

What Is The Role Of A Guardian When Selecting Housing?

May 13th, 2014|Categories: Elder Care, Guardianship|

Being someone's court appointed guardian is a big responsibility. You want to do what is best for your loved one, while still respecting their wishes. This can be a hard balance, especially when it comes to deciding where your loved one will live. What are a guardian's responsibilities? Under Washington law, every guardian of the person has two main responsibilities when it comes to selecting housing: To safeguard a protected person's health and safety To enable the protected person to exercise his or her rights to the maximum extent under the law, consistent with his or her capacity Exactly how these responsibilities ...