Elder Care

20 November, 2017

Taking Care Of Business In The New Year

2020-05-22T19:34:41-07:00November 20th, 2017|Categories: Elder Care, Elder Mediation, Estate Planning, Planning For Your Loved Ones, Planning For Yourself, Wills|

With the New Year comes New Year’s resolutions. Though these goals are made with the best intentions, come March, they have often slipped your mind. But making plans for the future, taking control of a situation or navigating challenging conversations should never just be a temporary goal that gets pushed aside. This year, think about whether your plans are in place – both for yourself and your loved ones. Make sure you have everything taken care of and that it’s legally binding. Whether it’s having the conversation you’ve been avoiding or finally sitting down and putting your wishes into writing, ...


30 July, 2017

Affording Long-Term Care For Your Aging Loved Ones

2020-05-22T19:36:26-07:00July 30th, 2017|Categories: Elder Care, Long Term Care, Planning For Your Loved Ones, Resources|

If you're considering long-term care for your aging loved ones, you might have some concerns about the price tag of assisted living facilities. You want to ensure that your loved one receives assistance in their day-to-day activities, but the costs may be holding you back. Here are some things to consider when deciding if a long-term facility is right for your aging family member and some of the resources that can help you afford it. How much do long-term care facilities cost? With over 75,400,000 baby boomers aging in the United States, long-term care is becoming more popular - and ...


23 May, 2017

Helping Family Caregivers Find The Resources They Deserve

2020-05-22T19:36:42-07:00May 23rd, 2017|Categories: Caregivers, Elder Care, Resources, Veterans|

After spending the holidays with your aging parent, you and your siblings realized your dad is no longer able to live independently. Conversations were had and decisions were made. Suddenly, you find yourself as the temporary caregiver. Your own children have been out of the house for years and now you have the role of taking care of your father - something you're willing to do but for which you feeling entirely unprepared. Fortunately, you are not alone. Washington State Department of Social and Health Services states that there are more than 800,000 Washington citizens who take care of an ...


18 March, 2017

Is It Time For A Hard Family Conversation? Here’s How To Start.

2020-05-22T19:38:34-07:00March 18th, 2017|Categories: Elder Care, Elder Mediation, Planning For Your Loved Ones|

There’s one in every family - the person who takes on the tough jobs and always seems to end up responsible for everyone else. It’s one thing to end up being responsible for Thanksgiving dinner year after year. It’s another to be the person who always has to step up when something worrisome is happening with Mom or Dad. It’s OK to ask your family for help. Here are some tips for how to make that conversation as successful as possible. Skip the email and schedule a conversation Sometimes it feels easier and safer to write an email than ...


22 November, 2016

When Holiday Gatherings Turn Into Tough Conversations

2020-05-22T19:37:13-07:00November 22nd, 2016|Categories: Elder Care, Estate Planning, Planning For Your Loved Ones|

Holidays bring with them many feelings - some people fight the urge to turn on Christmas music in September while others cringe at the first holiday display in retail stores. While traditions and emotions may vary, one common theme around the holidays is family. Perhaps the siblings you shared rooms with growing up have spread out across the country. Or maybe it was you who left the area. But every year, you all return home to spend the holidays together. You know your parents are getting older, so you all make it a point to be there. You look forward ...


14 July, 2016

Technology Must-Haves For Aging Adults

2020-05-22T19:39:48-07:00July 14th, 2016|Categories: Elder Care, Health & Wellness, Resources|

As more and more aging adults choose to stay at home rather than move to some type of senior living center, the resources and technology available to help make this a reality are also increasing. Not only do they provide safety and security for the seniors themselves, but they offer loved ones peace of mind. Knowing that their parent or loved one has measures and systems in place to help them maintain independence while also staying safe is truly invaluable. It can also be a lot less expensive to stay than to move to assisted living. Much of the ...


12 January, 2016

4 Things To Consider About Aging in Place

2020-05-22T19:40:22-07:00January 12th, 2016|Categories: Elder Care, Health & Wellness, Planning For Your Loved Ones, Transportation|

When your parents or loved ones are thinking about the future, the idea of staying in the home they love is appealing. The memories that were made under that roof provide a sense of security and nostalgia: The home where children were raised, where grandchildren played, and a life was established. The idea of leaving it behind may seem unimaginable and unnecessary. It is their home and it’s where they want to stay throughout their twilight years. But is that home the best place for them? Outside of sentimental reasons, there are practical and logical aspects that should be considered. ...


9 November, 2015

5 Self-Care Tips For Family Caregivers

2020-05-22T19:40:54-07:00November 9th, 2015|Categories: Caregivers, Elder Care, Health & Wellness|

When you are taking care of a loved one, whether it's an aging parent or an incapacitated adult sibling, you are among a rapidly growing group of Americans. According to a study by the National Alliance for Caregiving and AARP in 2015, 34.2 million Americans provided care to an adult over the age of 50 in the previous 12 months. It's referred to as an "informal" caregiver, essentially meaning you do it without being paid. The first thing you need to do is recognize your role. You're a caregiver. Just because you're caring for a family member doesn't negate the ...


12 March, 2015

When Your Loved One Needs A Guardian

2020-05-22T19:41:50-07:00March 12th, 2015|Categories: Elder Care, Guardianship|

If the time has come to seek a guardian for your loved one, you're probably already feeling overwhelmed with emotions, from confusion to guilt to sadness. To further complicate matters, you inevitably have many questions and concerns. You haven't done this before, and you don't know where to begin. Here are some of the most common concerns. When is a guardianship necessary? A guardianship is typically a last resort when a vulnerable adult needs assistance managing their affairs and no longer is able to execute or refuses to execute a Durable Power of Attorney, or someone has a Durable ...


9 January, 2015

4 Ways You Can Help Aging Veterans

2020-05-22T19:42:07-07:00January 9th, 2015|Categories: Elder Care, Planning For Your Loved Ones, Resources, Veterans|

This is the time of year when many of us spend extended amounts of time with relatives we haven't seen in a while. Because of this, it's also a common time to notice that an elderly loved one needs more support than they are currently getting. Elders value their independence, and this can sometimes make them hesitant to ask for the help they need. This can be particularly true for Veterans. Thankfully, there are a number of great programs available to aging Veterans in the Seattle area. Help with mental and emotional health Did you know that 11 percent of ...