Northwest Elder Law Blog

19March, 2011

Excuse Me, Could You Repeat That?

March 19th, 2011|Categories: Elder Care, Hearing Loss|

In our practice, we meet a lot of folks who are coping with hearing loss. For those who are hard of hearing, communication can be a frustrating and daunting task. The following tips are very helpful in improving communication: Speak slowly and enunciate clearly. Pause between sentences. Do not shout. A loud voice may increase distortion without improving comprehension. State the topic of discussion as you begin. When you change the topic, make sure the listener is aware of the new topic. Allow the person with hearing loss to choose their seating first, and ask what you can do to ...


24January, 2011

Making End of Life Decisions a Little Easier

January 24th, 2011|Categories: End-Of-Life Care Planning|

As a 21-year-old acting as attorney-in-fact for my 76-year-old grandmother, I faced one of the hardest decisions I would ever have to make. My grandmother had a severe stroke and, without significant medical intervention, she would not survive more than a few hours. As emergency room doctor explained all of the possible interventions to my sister and me, I felt at once pained and grateful. I felt grateful for the fact that my grandmother had on numerous occasions expressed her end-of-life wishes to me and had put those wishes in writing. I felt pained knowing that I was about to ...


27November, 2010

Give Your Loved Ones the Information They Need

November 27th, 2010|Categories: End-Of-Life Care Planning, Estate Planning|

It seems that we get letters and solicitations everyday encouraging us to go "paperless." These letters are often from banks, credit card companies, and housing lenders. In the past, when a person passed away their loved ones would simply check their mail to find out what financial investments were out there or what bills were owed. As more of us choose to receive our monthly statements via email, it becomes that much more imperative to include a letter of instruction with your estate planning documents. A letter of instruction gives your loved ones the necessary information needed to handle your ...